What are Festoons or Malar Bags?

Festoons, commonly referred to as Malar Bags or Under Eye Bags, are a significant aesthetic concern for many, characterized by saggy, bag-like swellings below the eyes, over the cheekbones. These features can often give an appearance of constant fatigue or illness. The primary causes of festoons include genetic predisposition, prolonged sun exposure, ageing, and lifestyle choices such as smoking, poor nutrition and alcohol, and can all contribute to skin laxity and a weakening in the underlying facial muscles and tissues. This weakening leads to spaces that accumulate fat and fluid, resulting in festoons.

While some risk factors are outside our control, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting our skin from environmental stressors can help reduce the risk of developing festoons.

If you’re struggling with festoons or malar bags see below for our top recommendations.

Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments for Festoons

Venus Viva (RF) Radio Frequency Resurfacing

To achieve substantial and enduring improvement in treating festoons, it's crucial to focus on rejuvenating both the dermis and sub-dermal layers to restore long-term elasticity and structural support. This holistic approach is key to not just temporary fixes but lasting results.

Venus Viva precisely targets and rejuvenates at depths and energy levels specifically tailored to address festoons. The unique pin pattern delivers targeted energy to deeper skin layers by creating very small, micro-dermal wounds. The heat created during RF to the subdermal tissue stimulates tissue remodeling to help create new collagen and elastin fibres. The result is improved skin quality under the eye to mask the vessels underneath while combating fine lines and laxity.

Typically, achieving visible and durable outcomes might require four sessions.. However, the minimally invasive nature of this treatment, combined with minimal recovery time, makes it a viable and repeatable option for ongoing maintenance. This convenience ensures that individuals can incorporate treatments into their lives without significant disruption, making long-term management of festoons both practical and effective.

The Exilis Ultra 360

The Exilis Ultra 360 is a non-invasive device that uses a powerful combination of radiofrequency and ultrasound to tighten and target both superficial and deep problem areas. The Exilis 360 uses a combination of monopolar Radio Frequency and Ultrasound to stimulate collagen/elastin production to firm and tighten the skin texture.

The treatment works by delivering controlled thermal energy to the targeted areas around the eyes, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin rejuvenation around the eyes.

For maximum results, a series of 4 treatments spaced 7 days apart is required. Each session lasts between 20 to 30 minutes depending on the areas being treated. 

At-home Treatments

Regular facial massages

Facial massages can aid in the reduction of festoons by stimulating lymphatic drainage, minimizing fluid build-up, and improving circulation flow to the lower eyelids. It can relax the facial muscles and work against fluid accumulation in the upper cheeks. Massages can be done at home or by a professional by employing gentle circular motions on the afflicted region to encourage lymphatic drainage.

Apply cold compresses

Cold compresses such as ice packs, cold spoons and cold wet teabags can help reduce irritation and puffiness around the eyes. They function by tightening blood vessels, which can aid in the reduction of swelling and in preventing fluid build-up. Apply a cold compress to the problematic area a couple of times a day for a few minutes.

Eye creams and vitamins

Skincare products that may help include creams and serums that contain kojic acid, Vitamin K or caffeine, as these help constrict the blood vessels. Vitamin A (retinoids) helps by thickening the skin and by creating more collagen in the area. Vitamin C can help to brighten and lighten pigmentation. Finally, Hyaluronic Acid will help plump the skin by drawing more water to its surface.

The most effective vitamins for reducing the appearance of under-eye wrinkles include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A (Retinol), Vitamin K, and Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide). 

For a personalised treatment plan that caters to your own unique requirements, contact us to book an appointment with our experienced practitioners. Book online at privee.com.au or call us 02 8041 5725.